First legal application: Summarizing all articles of the law This application is intended for all persons in general, and for judges, lawyers, research professors and students specializing in the field of law in particular.Summarizing all articles of law This wonderful application contains a summary of all the Law Division in Arabic from the first chapter toThe sixth chapter will help you to understand many ideas related to the studied laws summarizedLegal booksRelieves the tiring and boring effort of summarizing.Criminal ProcedureMorris and financial rightsFinancial Markets LawCivilian rulerComparative constitutional systemsDifficulties in contractingReal estate lawThe judicial systemcriminologyInsurance lawPrivate contractsPrivate criminal lawTax lawMeans of performance and reliabilityBudget lawLaw BooksCivil responsibilityAdministrative activitycompanies lawsHuman rights and public freedomsFamily lawwork lawCommercial LawAdministrative LawConstitutional lawPolitical science courseSocial science curriculaObligations and contractsCriminal LawPublic international lawEconomicsSubject science Islamic lawScience of international relationsLegal sciences subjectfamilys blogAdministrative organizationSummarizing the Division of LawThe structural organization in favor of writing the seizure and writing of the public prosecution office, courts of appeal and courts of first instanceJudicial organization of the KingdomAdministrative reforms in the KingdomMeans of performance and creditFamily Law General SummaryAnd it relieves the trouble of tiring and boring summarizing If you like the application, rate it with five stars to support us.